Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
September 23, 2017 on the parade ground of the Aktobe juridical institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, 168 cadets of the 1st year took the oath.
The event was attended by guests from the regional akimat, veterans of the BIA and parents of cadets. The head of the institute, the police colonel Karakushev Salimgerei Imangalievich, the veteran of the police department, the police colonel Rzabek Sanabay Rzabekovich and the member of the parent committee of 1 course of Yesenalina Gulsara Izbaskanovna, who expressed her gratitude to the head of the institute and to the whole staff, delivered a congratulatory speech.
Two-course cadets under the supervision of the chief of the 2nd course of the master of sports of international class, major of police Kazhigaliev Nurlan Nurmukhanovich were present at the demonstration performances on hand-to-hand fighting.After the solemn event, the cadets who took the oath met with their parents and were released into a daily dismissal.
Inspector of the DEW
lieutenant of police
Yeleusizov B.S.