Within the framework of realization of the socially significant project “Formation of the principle of” zero tolerance “in offenses to the society”, a team of highly qualified pooI experts was formed on the order of SU “Office of Internal Policy”, public fund “Aktobedamuy” from among various state structures.
From the Aktobe Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev as pooI, the deputy head of the department of the AL and AA BIA , police major Izbas R.S, who in the period from May 26 to August 28, 2017, in the team visited about five districts of the region (Alginsky, Mugalzharsky, Temirsky, Irgiz and Khromtau), and also participated in a meeting with the youth of Aktobe, conducted on the basis of the West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after M.Ospanov, where he explained the main articles related to improving the legal culture of citizens and strengthening the rule of law, and called for the combined efforts of citizens and police officers in the “Zero Tolerance” to offenses.