Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
On the eve of the International Women’s Day on March 8, in the sports hall of the AJI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaeva on the March 6, 2017 was held a sports relay race.
At the opening of the sports festival, the State Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan sounded with the raising of the national flag.
A solemn speech was given by Deputy Chief of the Aktobe Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, Lieutenant colonel Suleymanova Galiya Zhanabekovna.
“On this festive day, let me congratulate all women on the upcoming holiday on March 8 and wish you good mood and good luck in the relay race.”
The main goal of the event is to promote the healthy lifestyle of every citizen and mass exercise.
Before the beginning the participants were acquainted with the composition of the jury.
Composition: Chairman of the jury Deputy Chief of the Institute Lieutenant Colonel Suleymanova G.Zh., Deputy Chief of the Department of Military and Physical Training Major Police M. Baldairov. And Inspector of the Secretariat Bazarovа A.S.
Three teams took part in the relay: «Alпa», «Birlik», «Zhalyn».
The relay race consisted of the following types of competitions:
The competitions caused a huge storm of emotions and ovations among the fans, the sports spirit and excitement did not leave all the participants, as well as all those present throughout the event.
According to the competition, the teams took the following places.
The 1st place was taken by the team “Alga”
The 2nd place is the team “Birlik”
The third place is the team “Zhalyn”.
The participants of the competition were awarded with cash prizes and were awarded with certificates from the institute management.