February 28, 2019 by teachers of the Department of criminal process and criminalistics of Aktobe law Institute of MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, police Lieutenant Colonel E. A. Tserkovnova and police Major S. M. Minaidarov was organized an excursion visit of students 1 «B» course 102 training group to operative management of Police Department of Aktobe region. This event was held within the framework of the week of the Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics held at the Institute, as well as according to the plan of research and development work of the Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev for 2019 (pos.№ 11) on the topic of scientific research «Features and ways to improve the teaching of practical training in a forensic landfill».
In order to improve the quality of teaching the discipline «Criminalistics» and to make the educational process of practical orientation, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge, as well as instilling love for the chosen profession of the police officer, the students were acquainted with the main activities of the operational forensic service of the Police Department of Aktobe region. Employees of the operational forensic management were explained and demonstrated the principles of the following programs: «Integrated data Bank», «Рapilon», «Image++», «Pulegilzoteka» and other search engines used by practitioners in their daily work.
Particular interest to the cadets caused such programs as «Papillon», «Portrait» and «Pulegilzoteka».
Automated fingerprint information retrieval system «Papilon» is a repository(a database of fingerprints and palms of offenders and persons involved in the сommission of crimes). In this database immediately bring under traces of fingers and hands, found and removed from the scene, and then, promptly, about 10-15 minutes is matched against the existing database, and then, in the case of coincidence, may be the answer about who owns left at the crime scene fingerprints.
The programme «Portrait» — is an automated information retrieval system that allows you to find the offender in a short time on the appearance and available in the database photos. In addition, it allows you to make a composite portrait(sketch) of the offender on the basis of the testimony of victims and witnesses with their direct participation and with the use of memory and perception, by describing the signs of the appearance of the offender.
«Pulegilzoteka» — is an automated information retrieval system. This system makes it possible to conduct research and identify the fired bullets and shells of firearms from which the shots were fired.
At the end of the tour, the cadets thanked the Deputy head of the operational forensic management of Police Department of Aktobe region, police Lieutenant Colonel O. S. Arykbayev and senior criminalist of the operational forensic management, police Captain B. A. Ilzhanova for an interesting story about the possibilities of the forensic service of the PD of Aktobe region, as well as for comprehensive, detailed answers to questions concerning the practical activities of criminologists.
Lecturer of the Department of criminal procedure
and criminalistics
police Major
S.M. Minaidarov