Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
In accordance with Government Regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated this December 27, 2018 №897 «About confirmation of road-map on modernization of Internal Affairs Agencies as of 2019-2021», as well as expecting celebration of 150th anniversary of Aktobe city and within a framework of declared the year of youth, on January 29, 2019 between Aktobe law institute of MIA of RK named after M.Bukenbaev and gymnasium school №41 named after F.Ongarsynova signed a Memorandum of cooperation.
Within the framework of the Memorandum, for the first time in Aktobe, a cadet class is opened to attract children and teenagers to the Internal Affairs Agencies.
. This project will contribute to the Patriotic education of the younger generation, strengthening love for the Motherland, compliance with law, the choice of future profession. As you know, after the end of primary school, the walls of the school are not just talking about choosing a profession and writing essays on this topic. In their writings, children often write about their desires to link their future with law enforcement. And now a lot of those who would like to be on guard of order. Teenagers, who are planning their future in law enforcement, will learn the requirements and procedures, the basics of the future profession from an early age in a special cadet class.
During the event, the head of the Institute called on the teaching staff of the gymnasium school and parents to joint cooperation in work on education of young people in the spirit of patriotism, which is one of the main directions of the policy of the Head of state.
At the end of the event, the school students made songs and took pictures from memory.
Inspector of EWD
Police captain