On 2nd of November 2018, State Institution «Management regarding youth policy of Aktobe region» carried out competition «Students league of Aktobe»on basketball among students of Universities. Competition carried out in sports hall of Aktobe regional state University named after M.Zhubanov.
The aim of sporting event: by way of public relations to uplevel the physical education and sports mastery, as well as team spirit among students.
Following the results of carried out games: 1st place took combined team of Aktobe regional state University named after M.Zhubanov, 2nd place took combined team of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev and 3rd place took combined team of West Kazakhstan State International University named after M.Ospanova.
All winning teams after completion «Students league of Aktobe» will be awarded with the certificates of honour and medals.
Senior faculty instructor of military and physical
Training department of Institute
Senior police lieutenant