In the framework of the implementation of the Roadmap for the modernization of the Internal Affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 2019-2021 years, in order to increase the interaction of police forces with the Universities of the Ministry of interior on issues of practice-oriented educational process on 7 June 2019, the Head of the Department of military and physical training, police Colonel, S. M. Musin together with representatives of the departments of the criminal process and criminalistics, the police Major A.S.Taishybaeva, criminal law and criminology, police Colonel I. N. Ayapbergenova, administrative law and administrative activities police Major V. V. Khasanova was organized practical training.
In the conditions close to reality, for consolidation of the received theoretical knowledge and mastering practical skills and abilities on identification, the prevention and suppression of criminal and administrative offenses on objects of motor transport with listeners actions of tactics of detention and examination of the suspect were fulfilled.
As part of the discipline «Prevention of administrative offenses at transport facilities» were considered typical offenses committed at the facilities of vehicles.
The audience was simulated situation in which they had to stop the vehicle in the framework of operational and preventive measures «Law and Order». Then the students were divided into groups: traffic police, driver and passengers. During the lesson, the students worked out the procedure and sequence of actions of the patrol police officers when stopping the vehicle, explaining the reasons for stopping the vehicle with reference to regulatory legal acts and actions of the police officer when the vehicle control is detected in a state of intoxication. Worked out the procedure of medical examination of the driver of the vehicle to establish the existence and degree of intoxication, as well as the actions of the police for disobeying the legitimate demands of the government representative and the procedure for drawing up administrative and procedural documents.
As part of this session, the audience was shown a video, followed by an assessment of the misconduct of police officers in the use of special means and physical force.
From the position of criminal law clarifications are given — what are the actions of police officers during the detention of offenders begin to exceed the necessary limits and become illegal, subject to such provisions of the Criminal code as article 113 «Causing serious harm to health in the detention of a person who committed a crime», article 112 «Causing serious harm to health in excess of the limits of necessary defense», article 106 «Intentional infliction of serious harm to health», article 107 «Intentional infliction of moderate harm to health», article 361 «Abuse of official authority», article 362 «Abuse of power or official authority».
Within the discipline of criminal procedure and criminalistics on the provided video listeners independently worked out procedural actions as: inspection of a scene, withdrawal of material evidences from a scene, survey of material evidences, seizure of video of fixing (the camera of video surveillance), interrogation of witnesses, the victim, appointment of forensic medical examination, appointment of auto technical examination and orally the plan of investigation and further procedural actions is developed.
As a result of the training and practical training, a number of mistakes made by the students in the development of practical actions were pointed out, recommendations and mutual wishes were expressed.
As a result, it can be concluded that the purpose of the lesson — testing and consolidation of practical experience — has been achieved.
Head of MaPhTD
police Colonel
S. M.Musin