March 15, 2019 in the walls of Aktobe law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev in the framework of the program «Rukhani zhangyru» evening of poetry under the title «Great is your meaning, native language» and «My Homeland — Aktobe» organized by Department of organization of scientific-research and editorial-publishing work in conjunction with the general library. The event was held in accordance with the plan «In the future with the Kazakh language» held at the Institute. Cadets of 1 «A», 1 «B» and 2 «A» courses, who participated in the public function, showed their poetic and creative skills. As a musical pause with the song «Osiet» was a student of the school «Daryn» Abilkair Asem. Also, employees of the general library organized a review of the exhibition of books about our native land and about outstanding people from our region. At this event were invited the Deputy chief for combatant service, police Colonel Manapbaev Kairat Mukushevich and head of the Department of state language and information Nurmuhambetova Janat Berdaliyevna. In general, the event was successful, achieving its goals and objectives. At the end of the poetry evening all students were awarded certificates for active participation.
Inspector of DOSRaEPW
A. N. Suleimenova