Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
In the period from 18 to 23 February 2019 on the basis of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev passed advanced training courses of the deputy directors of transit police of the Police Department in transport.
As part of the educational process with the students were conducted field classes to the law enforcement of Aktobe city. For example, the head of the Department of administrative law and administrative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs, police major E.K.Balymov carried out a trip to the transit police of the Police Department at the station of Aktobe.
On February 21, 2019, students headed by the head of the faculty of professional and additional education, police Colonel S.B. Gizatov took part in the collective without compensation, voluntary blood donation for sick people in the Blood Transfusion Center of Aktobe region.
February 22, 2019 for the purpose of practical focus of the process of education with the cadets of
2 «A» course after working hours was held a practical exercise by the chief deputy of transit police on station of Karaganda, police Major S.S.Omarbekov. During the classes, the innovations introduced in the legislative acts directly related to the service were explained in detail, the procedure and rules for the escort of trains, goods, citizens, the distinctive features of the work of the territorial police and police in transport, the actions of internal Affairs officers in natural disasters and the introduction of special plans, interaction with other units of DIA services, the population and the media on issues of public order and public safety were explained, the possibility of using the basics of professional communication and conflict situations in the activities of security personnel.
In his spare time, students were engaged in the library of the Institute, for Patriotic education and education visited the Museum named after Aliya Moldagulova.
Upon completion of the refresher courses, students were tested for «good» and «excellent» on the topics studied and received certificates of completion.
Senior teacher-trainer of the Department of professional education and additional education
police Major
A.A. Sagyntaeva