On May 22, 2019 in the framework of the week of the Department senior lecturer Department of General disciplines, police Major Zh.A. Zhukaeva held an open training session on the subject «Psychology in the activities of the IAB» on the theme «Psychological preparation of police officers for actions in special circumstances». The class was attended by lecturers of the Institute.
Psychological training of police officers to act in extreme situations is a process of purposeful formation of psychological qualities that ensure reliable performance of professional tasks in extreme conditions.
The structure of the lesson consisted of watching a video about the extreme professional activity of the police, performing a set of exercises for professional extreme psychological training: «Assessment of the danger of the situation and a plan to get out of it», «Professional use of verbal means of influence on detainees», «Аntiterror» Program for psychological training of officers of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan to act in extreme situations, approved by the Order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 6, 2013 №170 and analysis of the situations.
Also, senior lecturer for the study of cadets were offered booklets, brochures with General recommendations for action in extreme situations.
In General, the class was evaluated by colleagues as conducted at a high methodological level.
Senior lecturer of GDD
police Major
Zh. A.Zhukaeva