On February 28, 2019 under the programme «Ruhani zhangyru» and the research theme «Improvement of mediation in the criminal process of the Republic of Kazakhstan» and also in honor of the festivities of the 150th anniversary of the Aktobe city, members of the faculty of professional and additional education of Aktobe law Institute of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev together with the judges of the city of Aktobe in the framework of the signed Memorandum on cooperation of Aktobe law Institute of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev and the Regional court of Aktobe region conduct and held the international roundtable discussion on topic «Advantages of mediation».
The roundtable discussion was attended by assistant Professor of Department of theory of state and law and constitutional law of the Orenburg state University of Russian Federation, candidate of pedagogical sciences E. I Maksimenko, the Chairman of the court № 3 of the Aktobe city N.O. Amankulov, judge of the court № 3 of the city of Aktobe J. J. Bimanova and A. E. Sultangalieva, head of associate socities «International human rights center» S. A. Alpeisova, professional mediators A. J. Talaspayeva and S. Zhienbaeva, K. T. Kurmangazy the legal counsel of the Institute, inspector-psychologist of the Department of educational work of the Institute, police Lieutenant M. R.Islamgaleeva and listeners of training courses on «Municipal and district police departments».
Opening the event, chief deputy of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev for academic affairs, candidate of juridical sciences, police Colonel G. Zh.Suleymanova noted that mediation seeks consensus solutions that best reflect the interests and needs of all parties involved in the dispute, which creates the opportunity to win for all.
The roundtable also discussed the advantages of out-of-court mediation, the role of mediation in the criminal process and its ability to reduce the level of conflict between the parties, some issues of termination of criminal cases by the courts for reconciliation with victims through mediation, the features of mediation conducted during the pre-trial and judicial proceedings. The participants of the event were acquainted with the judicial practice of exemption from criminal liability for mediation and discussed the procedure and conditions of mediation in criminal proceedings and the draft guide «Smart court». A presentation on «Mediation in criminal proceedings» was also presented.
At the end of the meeting, the participants discussed in detail the prospects for the development of mediation in the region and for the broad development and application of mediation procedures, developed a number of recommendations and proposals.
All participants of the roundtable discussion were awarded with certificates of international standard.
Senior teacher trainer of FPaAE
police Major