Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

On holding an open session on the topic: «Essence of religious extremism and terrorism. Training of police officers to psychological confrontation in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism» with officers of the licensing system of the Police departments of the regions of the Republic

On may 25, 2019 police Colonel A. F. Sattarova held an open practical session with students of advanced training courses – officers of the licensing system of the police Departments of the regions of the Republic on the discipline «Special training» on «the Essence of religious extremism and terrorism. Training of police officers to psychological confrontation in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism». The class was attended by teachers of the Institute. Having focused attention of listeners on relevance of a subject of occupation, lecturer told about history of emergence and opportunities of application of psychotechnology of a profiling in various spheres of activity of society, and also application in activity of Department of internal affairs for the prevention of acts of terrorism and extremism. Considered in detail the methods and implementation phases of the profiling. Listeners together with the lecturer answered three important questions of profiling: «Where to watch? When to observe? What to watch?».

Further, with the goal of development of professionally important psychological qualities of memory, attention, observation – listeners were asked to perform the task of determining the nature, emotional state and intentions of a person by his facial expressions and gestures, the development of visual memory (recognition of faces in the case of masking), on the development of auditory memory recommendations for the memorization of the different amount of information (use of mnemonics), logic and thinking. The audience was also recommended in the literature for the development of specific skills and skills in the use of psycho profiling in their performance. Thus, the educational, developmental and educational goals set by the teacher have been achieved. Under the chairmanship of the inspector of the Educational and methodical center of the Institute, police Major A.A. Sagintaeva after the session for the present colleagues was organized a discussion of the visited practical training. In General, the class was evaluated by colleagues as conducted at a high methodological level.

Head of GDD

police Colonel

A. F. Sattarova
