As part of the implementation of the Roadmap for the modernization of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2021 years, in order to strengthen the practice-oriented educational process in the discipline «Criminalistics», senior lecturer of the Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics, police Lieutenant Colonel N. A. Chuprinyuk on November 12, 2019, a practical visiting lesson was held on the basis of the Aktobe branch of the center for forensic medical examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for students of 5-9 training groups of the course of special initial training-persons who first entered the service in the IAB.
Before the class, the students got acquainted with the structure of the center, in particular, the judicial morgue, histological, biological and forensic laboratories. After the tour, a forensic expert of the 1st category, who has experience of expert work for over 25 years, Ch.Kalenov conducted an instruction and began forensic examination of the corpse.
During the sessions of the judicial medical expert by Ch.Kalenov explained the main provisions and the tactical methods of forensic-medical examinations. The participants asked questions on the topic, which were given meaningful and comprehensive answers. Further, separately, the students were given the opportunity to carry out anthropological measurements of fragments of the body of the corpse with the help of special technical means and measuring devices, as well as to conduct research on changes in cadaveric spots. Special attention was paid to the presence of special signs (scars, birthmarks, tattoos).
The pedagogical goals of the practical lesson were fully achieved. The participants got acquainted with the methods of forensic medical examination of the corpse and got an idea about the production of urgent investigative actions, forensic biological and histological studies.
Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics