On April 26, 2017, the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, under the supervision of the head of the department of the police colonel Seytenov Aslan Zholashevich, organized a round table on “Prevention of recidivism”.
The purpose of the event was to discuss the problem of the prevention of recidivism and to conduct an analysis of the preventive activities of the internal affairs agencies in the field of recidivism, to develop concrete proposals and recommendations on improving the prevention of recidivism with the release of the manual and the use of results in the practical work of police officers.
The deputy head of the institute, the candidate of law, the lieutenant colonel of police G.Zh. Suleymanova, the professor of the criminal law and criminology department, the candidate of legal sciences A.O Kuanov, the head of the probation service of the Aktobe region, Lieutenant colonel of justice A.A.Yessetov, the chief of the department of the Ministry of Railways of the Aktobe region LPS of the Department of Internal Affairs, the police major M.P.Kaldybaev, the head of the probation service of the Khromtau district, the police major E.Zh.Esenjolov, the teacher of the department “AR and AA.BIA” of the Aktobe legal institute, the police major M.S. Salauatov and Members of the working group on the search topic: “Prevention of recidivism”.
The round table was held in the form of open discussion and exchange of views.
As a result, recommendations were developed for practical employees of the BIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the prevention of recidivism, and certificates were also presented on behalf of the institute’s management.
Head of Department Criminal law and criminology
Aktobe law Institute named after M. Bukenbaeva
Colonel of the police A.Zh. Seitenov
“Prevention of recidivism”