According to plan of action of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev, October 2, 2018 Police captain G.N. Tokpanbetova together with Police major A.R. Yergaliev carried out departure to secondary school № 13 of Aktobe city, assigned to faculty «Criminal law and criminology», where lectures were held with students of 9-11 grades on theme «Zero tolerance» and «Administrative offence prevention».
It should be noted that the students showed a special interest in the topics of lectures, asked topical questions, there was a discussion. During the discussion, students were explained information about the prevention of various types of offenses, as well as they were acquainted with the types of preventive work.
Faculty instructor of criminal law and criminology department
Police major A.R. Yergaliev