Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
February 28, 2018 in the Aktobe law institute named after M. Bukenbaeva personal tournament in table tennis among cadets and listeners of the special initial training course was held.
The purpose of the sporting event is to increase the level of sportsmanship, confidence in one’s strength and dexterity by promoting healthy lifestyles, thus contributing to the formation of a positive image and a positive opinion on the activities of the internal affairs bodies.
Familiarization with the rules of the competition, as well as their refereeing was entrusted to the teachers of the Department of Military and Physical Training.
Based on the results of the games and the majority of wins, among the guys the 1st place was taken by the student of the course 1 of the training group Baizhanov Ruslan, 2nd place was taken by the cadet of the 1st year of the 101 training group Orynbasarov Dastan and the third place was taken by the 1st year student of 101 training groups Mirkhanuly Elshihan. Among the girls 1st place was taken by the 1st year student of the 103rd training group Zhaksylykova Ulbolsyn, 2nd place was taken by the 1st year student of the 104th training group Aygalka Aygerim and the third place was taken by the 1st year student of the 101 training group Ongarova Assem.
All champions and prize-winners were awarded diplomas and medals.
Teacher of the department of the Institute of MPhT
the captain of police
Kairbaev Zh.K
Teacher of the department of the Institute of MPhT
Institute st. lieutenant of police
Kosmuratov A