In the department of educational work there is a department of psychological unloading, which includes 2 psychologists.
The work of a psychologist is based on the provision on the status and powers of inspectors-psychologists of the internal affairs bodies, approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 21, 2008 No. 147.
The main tasks of the activity of psychologists are:
1) determination of the professional psychological fitness of persons accepted for service in the police department and study in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, forecasting their psychological readiness to perform professional tasks;
2) the implementation of psychological support for the operational and official activities of the personnel of the BIA, the psychological rehabilitation and the restoration of the professional performance of staff;
3) the formation of a favorable psychological climate in the service (training) collectives, the conduct of social and psychological work in them, psychological counseling of employees;
4) professional psychological training of personnel, providing psychological assistance to BIA officers, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
From January 2017 to the present, the following events were held.
So, with the purpose of rendering psychological help to the staff and listeners of the Institute, forming a favorable psychological climate in the service and educational teams, conducting social and psychological work, psychological counseling for employees, and professional psychological training of personnel, the plan of the inspector-psychologist’s work was developed and approved by the head of the institute For the 1st quarter of 2017.
According to the work plan, among the permanent and variable staff of the Institute, surveys were conducted in support of official activities, in which 369 people took part:
– with the students of the special initial training courses and with the 1st year students, testing was conducted to determine the neuropsychological instability before practical training in fire training. The technique is intended for the initial identification of persons with signs of neuropsychological instability. 269 listeners took part in the testing;
– 30 cadets and students are included in the psychological monitoring group;
– 10 employees were diagnosed before fixing the service weapon. The analysis of the answers allows us to clarify the features of behavior and the state of mental activity in various situations.
Among the variable composition, a socio-psychological study was conducted to study the moral and psychological climate, in which 269 listeners took part. Based on the results of which recommendations were given to managers.
In order to prevent and prevent suicidal behavior among the staff and cadets of the Institute, a work plan for this direction was developed. All heads of departments and departments were instructed that in cases of identification of persons with a low level of neuropsychological stability, depressive states, with anxiety, and also in a state of acute grief, immediately take a set of measures aimed at the rehabilitation and restoration of the psychological health of employees, and Also inform the psychologist of the institute. All the chairmen of the public formations have been instructed to intensify work to identify the difficult life situation of employees and their families for a dynamic and implicit accompaniment and provide all possible assistance from the leadership and the team.
In order to prevent autoaggressive behavior with cadets of the 1st course, a test “CP-45” was conducted and a technique was used to identify the level of aggressiveness, in which 100 people took part. Reminders were also handed out to the variable composition “Prevention of Suicide among BIA Staff”.