On May 7, 1992, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nusultan Abishevich Nazarbayev signed a decree on the establishment of national armed forces. And on May 7, in Kazakhstan, the Day of the Defender of the Homeland is celebrated.
Thus, on May 5, 2017, a female team of the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, led by Deputy Chief of the Institute of Lieutenant Colonel G.Zh Suleymanova. Solemnly congratulated the men of the institute.
The solemn event was held in the assembly hall of the Institute, where the Institute’s employees were encouraged by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the head of the institute.
During the event, the nurse of the medical part of institute Zhumagazina B filled the song “Ozindy ansap ” with the employees of the financial security group M. Mukhamatova, V. Kaliyeva and B. Baishuyazy. They performed the composition “Sarbazdar”, the daughter of the editor of the department of DOREPW A. Amanbayeva A. Askarova T. performed the song ” Кonildy kun », the police captain Tokpanbetova G. read the poems«Aelge osiet»
In addition to the concert numbers, police major Sagintaeva A. and police major Sagyntaeva A and police major S. Nazarbayeva. «three girls» appeared with a scene. Further for the men’s team of the institute, the inspector-psychologist Islamgaleeva M, the inspector-secretary Bazarova A, the librarian of Stamgazy, the lieutenant colonel of the police Karimbayeva A, and the police major Turebekova L. performed the Spanish dance.
During the event, the men of the Institute participated in various contests and quizzes, prepared by the women’s team.
This wonderful holiday is celebrated annually in the walls of the institute, as it is on this day that they congratulate those men who served or serve in the army, have a military rank and have experienced all the hardships of hard work.
Inspector of the DIA Police lieutenant Sarkulov D.M.