March 29, 2017 senior teacher of the Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Department of the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, the captain of the police Moldybayeva R.B. an open lecture session was held on the discipline “Criminalistics” on the topic “Tergeulykkarap-tekseruzhanekualandyru” in the state language. The lecture was attended by the faculty of the Institute.
When considering the issues covered by the topic on the basis of a review of the material the lecturer has established a logical connection with the material of previous studies on this discipline, in particular with forensic techniques, forensic photography, gabitoscopy, and tracology. In accordance with the work program, the purpose of the lesson, its pedagogical and educational function is indicated. The material of the lecture is well structured in content and scope, linked to the provisions of other professional disciplines (“Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Criminal Law of the RK”, “Forensic Medicine”, “Informatics”, “Administrative Law of the RK”), which is aimed at ensuring General professional training of cadets.
Disclosure by the lecturer of the contents of the first issue of the topic covered by the lecture on the concept, types, purpose, classification of inspection. Thus, in the presentation of the second question of the lecture, general provisions for the inspection of the scene of the incident were examined, special attention was paid to the technical means used in WMD, the drawing up of a protocol, plans, schemes of the scene.
When considering the third question of the lecture, the concept and classification of the survey is disclosed.
The lecture is held in strict logical form and fully corresponds to the work program of the discipline. The structure of the lecture is clear, in the course of the lecture session all the questions of the topic are considered. The time of the lecture is distributed rationally.
The lecturer is fluent in the material, comments on practical examples and, demonstrating photo and video equipment, a uniform forensic suitcase. The presentation of the lecture material was carried out with multimedia accompaniment in the form of electronic slides, in which the topics under consideration are graphically presented in the form of figures, diagrams and graphs, which facilitates the perception and cadets’ learning of the newly studied material. To explain certain aspects of the lecture theme, a board is used. The manner of reading the lecture is fascinating, lively. In the process of presenting the material, the lecturer throughout the session to establish feedback to the audience and consolidate the acquired knowledge draws attention to the participation of cadets in the discussion of the issues under consideration. At the end of the lecture session on the above topic, a summary is concluded – the key points of the lecture are highlighted.
Senior lecturer of the department “СLC” Police captain Moldybaeva R.B.