On 24th 25th May 2018 in East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Russia conducted XXIII International research to practice conference «Law enforcement in modern conditions», which opened the Head of East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police colonel P.A. Kapustuk. In words of welcome he particularly note that International research to practice conference held in run up to memorable date— 300-years of Russia Police and wished colleges effective work, and to cadets wished to get fast facts and increase greatly their knowledge.
In a plenary session on 24th of May were announced 25 reports, in which from Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev spoke deputy director of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Malkedzhar Bukenbaev for academic affairs, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, police colonel G.Zh. Suleimanova and acting Head of administrative law and administrative activity department of the Department of Internal Affairs of Aktobe Law Institute named after Malkedzhar Bukenbaev, Police Major E.K. Balimov. Additionally in work of conference took part the Head of the Main Investigation Directorate of Russia MIA General Administration for the Irkutsk Region, police colonel A.I.Zhuravkov ,Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation Division of investigating committee , Justice lieutenant colonel E.S.Kasyanikov , attorney of Leninist Region of Irkutsk S.A.Zubovskii, doctor of law, professor, deputy manager of training activity in Karaganda Academy of MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Berimbek Beisenov Z.S.Tukubaev and other leading scientists.
In the context of conference particularly it should be mentioned interesting reports, which demonstrated famous legal scholarship: Honored Lawyer of Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, professor, first deputy head of all Russian Scientific research Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian federation O.I.Tsokolova, Doctor of Laws, professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, chief research worker of Russian State Federation of Justice V.V.Nikoluk, Doctor of Laws, assistant professor, deputy manager of Siberia Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (for academic affairs) N.N.Tsukanov, Doctor of Laws, Senior Lecturer, professor of criminal procedure law department of Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafina (MSLU)S.B.Rosinskii,
Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation , doctor of Education ,professor of criminalistics department , of the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation S.Ya.Kazansev, Doctor of Laws , professor, head of comparative law Laboratory in countries of Asia Pacific Ocean of Buryat State University named after U.P.Garmaev, candidate of juridical sciences, assistant professor, head of criminalistics department of St.Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation E.V.Lantux, doctor of science, professor of economic security department, of finance and economic analysis of Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya.Kikotya T.N.Agapova, doctor of biological science, director of Siberian Institute of physiology and biochemistry plants in Siberian department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Institute physiology and biochemistry plants in Siberian department ) V.I.Voronin and several other sciences.
On May 25, it was a meeting on 7 sections, where by participants of the conference came forward issues of criminality countermeasure , issues of criminal and criminal procedure legislation, issues of criminalistic functional detection and crime investigation, issues of forensic inquiry, topical issues of federally legal regulations and civil law relations, issues of special technical devices usage, as well as socio cultural aspect law enforcement activity
Altogether in two day work of the conference took part more than 300 persons, before start of the work where was published a collection of abstracts from among all participants.
Deputy Manager of administrative law and administrative activity department of Department of Internal Affairs
Police Major