Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
According to the results of the week from April 8 to 13, 2019, cadets of ALI of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev the best in the learning process has been acknowledged cadets of 102 training group (1А course), curator police Lieutenant G.Baikunakova, 101 training …
April 13, 2019 in the framework of cooperation between Universities, celebrating Nauryz and holding an open day on the basis of the Military Institute of Air Defense forces named after the twice Hero of the Soviet Union T. Ya. Begeldinov officers of the Department of organization of research and editorial …
April 12, 2019 in the auditorium of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev cadets of 2 «A» course under the leadership of the head of the course, police Lieutenant Colonel M. M. Eshmanov and cadets of the scientific …
April 12, 2019 within the walls of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after M. Bukenbaev held a training seminar on the theme «Dreams. Correct goal setting». The lecturer of this training was Bokushev Erlan Yeleusinovich, practicing coach of family relationships, business coach, he is the …
In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Aktobe city and the year of youth, in the framework of the planned event «Healthy Thursday» on April 11, 2019 the teaching staff of the faculty of the Department of military and physical training in the gym of the Aktobe law Institute of …
April 11, 2019 in the auditorium of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev pursuant to the programmatic document for the development of the country, «Rukhani zhangyru» Department of General disciplines organized the event dedicated to the celebration of …
April 11, 2019 senior lecturer of the Department of general education, police Major A. Zh. Zharashan in the framework of the contest «The Best teacher of the year» was held a seminar with students of 1A course of 103 training group on the subject «Politology» on the theme «Elections and …
April 6, 2019 at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Esbulatov held an international scientific and theoretical conference of cadets (students) «Youth and science», dedicated to the Year of youth. This conference was attended by departmental and civil educational …
On April 10, 2019 according to the work Plan of the Department of General subjects for the 2018-2019 academic year, the head of the Department, police Colonel A. F. Sattarova conducted a training session with the involvement of the Deputy head of the Center for adaptation of minors in Aktobe …
According to the results of the week from April 1 to 6, 2019, students of ALI of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev the best in the learning process has been acknowledged cadets of 105 training group (1А course), the curator police Major A. Baigazin, …