Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
In the period from 5 to 7 October 2019, on the basis of the Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, a training seminar was held for officers of internal affairs bodies in the category of district police inspectors …
November 6, 2019 senior lecturer of the Department of General disciplines, police Major A.Zh.Zharaskhan held a seminar on the subject «Philosophy» on the theme «The principle of the development: dialectics and synergetics» for 2A course of 203 training group. Teachers-methodologists of the educational and methodical center and the teaching staff …
On November 6, 2019 the staff of the Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics organized a meeting with the Chairman of the Aktobe regional court, candidate of Juridical Sciences Abdolla Saken Zhusipakhmetovich for students of special initial training. The meeting of the Chairman of the regional court with young lawyers …
In the framework of the Memorandum signed between our Institute and ARSU named after K. Zhubanov on November 5, 2019 in the training center «Law and Order» was organized a regular lecture on «Law and order and public order: the concept, relationship and general characteristics» for students of the University. …
November 5, 2019 pursuant to the plan of the Department of GLD on the subject «Family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan» assistant Professor of General legal disciplines, police Colonel Z. Z. Nurysh for students of 2A course of 201-203 training groups held an open lecture on the theme of …
October 4, 2019 according to the plan of the Department within the discipline «Criminalistics» senior lecturer of the Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics, police Lieutenant Colonel N.A.Chuprinyuk on the topic «General provisions of forensic tactics» for students of the initial training of the 5th training group was held an …
November 2, 2019 with the aim of strengthening the moral and psychological climate in the team, developing skills of communication, culture of behavior in public places and get positive emotions during the period tutors taking tests, lecturers of departments of criminal law and criminology and criminal process and criminalistics, police …
On October 30, 2019 within the framework of the year of youth in order to support talented youth, healthy lifestyle among youth, prevention of crime among minors, development of volleyball among youth and adolescents, in the village of Karabastau of Zhanabazar settlement of Shymkent city, a regional volleyball tournament among …
November 3, 2019 in Aktobe city about three thousand young people from Kyzylorda, Aktobe, West Kazakhstan, Mangystau and Atyrau regions became participants of the youth marathon «El umiti» 2019, organized by Fund of First President of Kazakhstan, among whom were cadets of 3A course of Aktobe law Institute of the …
October 30, 2019 faculty of full-time education in collaboration with the Department of criminal process and criminalistics of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev was invited by the investigating judge of the specialized court of the Aktobe city Abdirov …