Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev
On May 20, 2019 at the educational audience №101 of Aktobe Law Institute after M. Bukenbayev a grand opening of the “Week of General education disciplines’ department” was held. The purpose of the week of the department is presentation of the department’s activities, acquaintance with the achievements of professors and …
May 20, 2019 on the channel «Aktobe-Kazakhstan» was held an interview for the broadcast «For string Message» with the acting head of the Department of General legal disciplines of Aktobe law Institute of MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, PhD in Law, police Colonel Ibraeva Aigul …
May is traditionally the month of continuation of military-Patriotic work in Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev. May 18, 2019 in Aktobe law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev …
The Akimat of the Aktobe region together with the Prosecutor’s Office of the Aktobe region, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after …
On May 17, 2019 of the Department of Police of the Aktobe region together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a seminar-meeting on the topic: “Problematic issues of the organization of operational and forensic units”. As part of the modernization of the educational system, …
2019 жылғы 17 мамырда Қазақстан Республикасы ІІМ М.Бөкенбаев атындағы Ақтөбе заң институтының қысқартылған білім беру бағдарламасы бойынша оқитын 2 «Б» курсына (2017 ж. қабылдау) қорытынды мемлекеттік аттестаттаудың бірінші кезеңі өткізілді. Мемлекеттік емтихан кәсіби тәжірибеден өтіп келген 51 курсантқа «Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық құқығы» мен «Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық іс жүргізу құқығы» пәндерінен …
On May 14, 2019 within the framework of the society organization of the women’s Council, as well as the holy month of Ramadan, was held a charity event «Help your neighbor», which was attended by members of the women’s Council of the Institute and officers of the Department of criminal …
On May 14, 2019 during the advanced training course of the faculty of vocational and additional education, a lecture class was held on the «Legal training» subject on the topic of: «International obligations to protect human and civil rights and freedoms» with the participation of a judge of the city …
On May 8-10, 2019 in Kyzylorda competitions of the Championship of Kazakhstan on universal fight took place. The championship was attended by representatives from 14 regions. From Aktobe region were 10 athletes, including cadet of 2 «A» course of Aktobe law Institute named after M. Bukenbaev police junior Sergeant Agilmanova …
May 7, 2019 as part of the defender of the Fatherland Day, on the eve of May 9 Victory Day and continuing the action «150 good deeds» members of the cadet scientific society of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after …